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Hello. My name is Chihiro Imori. Title of the blog is money. Why do I say the title money ? Because money is indispensable for people to live. I think this week I want to talk about the history of money.
The history of Japanese money; I was inconvenience had to barter something of the same value. So, shellfish and stone began to be used in the exchange of goods. Although I do not know the age, metal such as bronze is now used as money under the influence of China. Some money at the beginning of this. The first coins in Japan and is Wadokaichin coin that was minted from 708 years. 12 types of coins was made in 250 years from the year 708 to 958 years. Silk was to be used as money is from the 11th century to stop the issuance of money since the ninth century and later. But, the need for money has grown increasingly active commercial. Money due to the metal began to spread again. Development of a silver mine and gold mine became active in Japan would stop the influx coin to Japan due to a change in China's currency policy. Gold silver was to be cast by order of the Sengoku daimyo soon. I was allowed to use a gold sphere of silver use is concentrated in the West to East for many East gold mines, there were many silver mines in the West.
Around the 16th century and is said from the time I came to be used with the oval of gold that everyone sees in a historical play well. Oval was being used to exchange for money to use of different Western Japan East Japan.
The history of the world's money; China was the most influential Japanese first. Although I do not know ago. I was using the money and shells in the same way as Japan and China. Something that looks like a knife or something that looks like the plow has come to be used. Shapes and sizes were different depending on the region, rather than that it was a nationwide unified monetary value there was a culture of money from ancient China. The amount of copper coin production grew went as a national policy of the cast money was available from the old production technology was so good in 200 BC. An emperor will be unified in the form of coins money coins scattered all over the ring and an emperor unified China for the first time.
I found that will change the shape in order to unify the country in exchange of money or things become popular in any country. The money was also used, such as when you trade with other countries as well to unify the money in the country. But, there was a force in the country concerned. Some say the bill which came out in the paper as well as coins made of metal for money. You can also hear the evolution of human brain development and age Over.
I think next week's blog I want to talk about money and more deeply.